Celebrate the wonder of our human existence.

Join me at a live event!


Around the greater Seattle area and beyond, I frequently offer workshops and other special events, as well as teaching in yoga teacher trainings. To make sure that you never miss out, make sure you get on my email list, where I share thoughts and insights as well as details of my upcoming retreats and other events. (Don't worry; I never spam you, and you can opt out at any time.) 

Salt Mine Arium: Yoga and/or meditation in a unique and beautiful setting

If you're looking for something unique, I love to teach yoga and meditation in the salt room at Salt Mine Arium in Bellevue. This beautiful space is built of bricks of Himalayan pink salt, and being there feels incredible. Check out their site to learn more about them. (You may recognize the doctor in the short video!) I periodically teach yoga classes and meditation sessions in this amazing place. You can also book a class for yourself and a few friends, and I'll arrange exactly what you're looking for!

Yin Yoga teacher training: November 3-4 and 10-11

I'm very excited to be offering my Yin Yoga Teacher Training at True Self Yoga in Olympia, WA, this fall. It will take place over two weekends, and will explore everything related to the deeply nourishing practice of Yin, which is so needed in today's fast-paced society. Whether you want to teach Yin, or you just want to explore this practice more deeply for yourself, you'll get a lot out of this training. For more information, please contact True Self.

You can also travel with me!

I also travel around the world, and sometimes I take my friends (that's you) with me! Check out my Travel page to learn more about the exciting adventures that are coming up!